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Today is the big day. We have held many small private screenings of ‘Reparando’ over the past several months, but this is the first event open to the public. I don’t really know what to expect for attendance, but I am personally thrilled to finally see the story unfold on the big screen. And – I won’t be alone. I know a few people who have already purchased tickets, including some great friends who are champions of the documentary. I heard that a local radio station promoted the event during rush-hour this morning. Someone even called in on the air to ask a question about it. So, who knows … but regardless of how many people are sitting in the seats, I am thankful to be able to finally share the story. We have chalked up thousands of hours over the last two and a half years putting his project together. It is such an honor to be here in Michigan at the Grand Rapids Film Festival to share a story that is so precious to my heart. I humbly walk into the event today with ‘Reparando’ in my arms open wide, grateful for the story and for all the people God has brought together to make this dream a reality.

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