Latin America Leads the World in Happiness

The Christmas season is a time of reflection and celebration for the One who gave us life, but unfortunately, this season often adds stress to our already stressed out culture. For years, cultural studies have proven again and again that our country is far from happy, and not just during the Christmas season. One of […]
Can We Have Your Trash?

Trash is not something many people want or collect. However, Sweden imports waste from other countries and is now running into the problem that there is just not enough trash. Sweden imports trash to turn into electricity and power, and because of their efficiency in converting trash to power and need for more waste, Sweden […]
Hiking Pacaya Part 1

Hiking Pacaya Part 1 from Athentikos on Vimeo. The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon off so spontaneously the crew decided to hike an active volcano just outside of Antiqua called Pacaya. At the time we thought it was a little crazy but we had […]
My Experience: More Than Words Can Express
It is hard to believe how quickly the last 7 months have gone by. It is even harder to grasp how much I learned and experienced during my time in Guatemala, about Guatemala, about the world, about God, about appreciating the things He has blessed me with, about myself, about managing a team, about coordinating […]
Tired, Loco, Busy…

By: Matt Eldredge In preparing for my return trip to Guatemala to help on production for Becoming Fools, I heard a lot of keywords of what to expect like tired, loco, busy, long, tired, hectic, tired, etc…I tried to plan ahead with which audio adapters to bring and just be mentally ready for the hard […]
The Heart Behind the Production

Going Back Have you ever been to a place (vacation destination, location for missions, etc) that you haven’t been too in a while where upon arrival it’s all familiar but either the purpose or situation dictates a totally different experience? If so, then I know how you feel! For me, going back to Guatemala to […]
A Moment of Applause Fills the Soul
Nothing fills the soul like applause. As the receiver and the giver. So many emotions flood that one moment: the sense of accomplishment, the sorrow of the end, the struggle of the hard work and the desire for more. It is reflection of countless hours of rehearsal and sacrifice; and of the belief that you […]
Welcome to the A-team, Brandon

We are very excited to welcome our new intern, Brandon Rojano, to the A-team. He is working on his media production degree at the University of Houston, and has volunteered about 6 weeks of his summer to help us with video update stories in Guatemala. We would like to give him this chance to introduce […]
We Believe Because We Are Becoming Fools

Guatemala’s statistics seem hopeless, but we believe we can make a difference because we are Becoming Fools. We spent the afternoon with an incredibly sweet family who are featured in Becoming Fools. A single mother who was deaf and mute, was murdered in February, leaving her four children to live with their grandmother. That is […]
LEGO awards Athentikos grant for La Limonada Art Camp
We are super excited to share this news with you: Athentikos received $4,000 from LEGO to support Art Camp in La Limonada the slum area featured in ‘Reparando.’ La Limonada is one of Latin America’s largest, most dangerous slums in Guatemala City, La Limonada. The LEGO headquarters in Denmark awarded Athentikos a $4,000 grant in […]