Is That All It Takes?
by Bobby Marko NASHVILLE, TN I had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Got to sleep in a little bit, hang out with my wife and daughter, more this weekend than I have in the last few months! Got to see some family, be together and have some great food, got stuffed! I even did a little […]
A 99% God!
Certainly it was going to take a good year, 18 months for momentum for the film began picking up. This was my sentiments as we wrapped up the film a few months ago. I was hoping to be able to concentrate on my other projects and jobs I had lined up waiting for me to […]
New Promotional Video featuring Joel Van Dyke
Joel Van Dyke came to Nashville to host our Vision to Respond event and also took some time to do a promo piece for the film. Joel lives in Guatemala City with his wife Marilyn and two children, Joeito and Sofia. After 16 years as a pastor in North Philadelphia, he currently serves in Central […]
Newsletter: Year End Update December 2009

2009 Tax- Deductible Donations We know that many people desire to make donations towards the end of the year. Would you consider giving to Athentikos? All donations are tax-deductible. Update on the Film Project “We are currently focused on editing the documentary. Like any project, we’ve hit a few obstacles. The sheer amount of footage […]