Hiking Pacaya Part 1

Hiking Pacaya Part 1 from Athentikos on Vimeo.   The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon off so spontaneously the crew decided to hike an active volcano just outside of Antiqua called Pacaya. At the time we thought it was a little crazy but we had […]

Athenti-Kast: Episode V

This episode shows J. Mac and Bobby leaving Guatemala to come back to the States while Bengy, Cesar and Scott have a day off in Antigua before going back to Guatemala City to wrap up filming at Casa Barnabe. [podcast format=”video”]https://athentikos.com/wordpress/video/a-kast-ep5.mov[/podcast]

Athenti-Kast: Episode IV

This episode shows the crew visiting Ciudad Vieja as they capture the story of the Ortiz family and the Kyros School. They hit up a local bakery where Estuardo works and go back to his home to capture scenery and interviews. The team also grabs some scenery of both Vieja and Antigua with the Agua […]