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It is hard to believe that July 29 is already upon us. Time flies when you have a lot to do. After all the writing, planning, editing, drawing, more planning, laughing, crying and even more planning … here we go again.
I am not certain what to expect on this trip.  We are headed down with a very long list of footage that we would like to capture and are doing our best to be as thorough as possible. We have categorized our shots in a database with storyboards, detailed camera direction, character, location, etc – and we can pull reports “out the wazoo” and check things off as we go. Yet, I recently read a quote in a book, “No amount of planning stands up to contact with an enemy.” This is so true. So, in addition to the massive amount of planning, we are prepared to flex.
Hopefully we will come back home with the footage we need to finish our project. Regardless … I know we will return home with incredible stories. Stay tuned …

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