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Grand Rapids Radio Interview

Scott and I (Bobby were up in Grand Rapids, Michigan talking with people and organizations who are well acquainted with Athentikos and the film “Reparando.”

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Hiking Pacaya Part 2

Hiking Pacaya Part 2 from Athentikos on Vimeo.    The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon

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Athentikos I Am Art Initiative

ValorArte: Value Art, Value Yourself

Crayons, paint, markers, LEGOs, banners, theatre, games, masquerade party, water balloon volleyball, swimming, screaming, singing, dancing and being free to be yourself: all beautiful memories

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Hiking Pacaya Part 1

Hiking Pacaya Part 1 from Athentikos on Vimeo.   The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon

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