Athentikos Logo

Important information about your I AM ART trip


David Lee

David Lee


Amelia Moore

Team Leader

Scott Moore

Scott Moore

Team Leader


Amy Martinez

Guatemalan Coordinator

Will Boegal

Will Boegel

Opal House Director
What’s App: 425-647-9328


Athentikos Website - About us!


Click "Create a Team" and follow the steps to set up your account. Once created, you can donate to your own account.


Additional donation link


Great resource to understand the History of Guatemala and the impact of the 36-year civil war.

I AM ART Highlight Video - Short

The Impact of I AM ART on the girls at Oasis.

I AM ART Highlight Video - Long

The Impact of I AM ART on the volunteers.

Camp Schedule

Our daily schedule during camp.

IAA Camp Daily Schedule

IAA Camp Daily Schedule at Oasis

Time Activity Location
7:00-7:30 AM Breakfast Mission House
8:00 AM Kids arrive – Greet & Play Pavillon
8:15 – 9:30 AM Large Group Pavillon
9:45 – 11:45 AM Core Workshops School
12:00 – 12:45 PM Lunch Break Mission House
1:00 – 2:15 PM Rotation Stations School
1:00 – 3:00 PM Teacher Workshop (Kathlyn only)
2:30 – 3:00 PM Large Group / Kids Leave Pavillon
3:30 – 5:30 PM Free Time – ATV, Mural, Prep, Etc.
6:30 PM Dinner
7:30 PM Team Meeting Chapel
9:00 PM Free Time

Camp Documents

Most of your camp-related questions can be answered with this information.

Click the titles below to go to the link.

Curriculum (English)

Curriulum guide that includes I AM ART themes, roles, benefits of expressive arts, etc.

Curriculum (Espańol)

Curriulum guide that includes I AM ART themes, roles, benefits of expressive arts, etc.

Materials Library

Reserve Materials for Workshops and Rotations

Song List

Songs we will be singing in large group - We will be singing the Spanish versions, but included the english versions for your reference.

Opal House School

Opal House Website - Partnerhsip Organization - but most of the content on this site is outdated. The primary focus of the organization is a Montessory School to provide educational opportunities for the under-resourced comunities in their area.


All the info you need to get there and back.

Click the titles below to go to the link.

Travelers Declaration Form

Curriulum guide that includes I AM ART themes, roles, benefits of expressive arts, etc.


Curriulum guide that includes I AM ART themes, roles, benefits of expressive arts, etc.

Packing List

Reserve Materials for Workshops and Rotations

Code of Conduct

Songs we will be singing in large group - We will be singing the Spanish versions, but included the english versions for your reference.

Mobile Passport Control

Songs we will be singing in large group - We will be singing the Spanish versions, but included the english versions for your reference.

About Antigua

Opal House Website - Partnerhsip Organization - but most of the content on this site is outdated. The primary focus of the organization is a Montessory School to provide educational opportunities for the under-resourced comunities in their area.

About Lake Atitlan

We will be at Lake Atitlan for camp and then on the excursion days after.

Our Highlight Video of Lake Atitlan

Opal House Website - Partnership Organization - but most of the content on this site is outdated. The primary focus of the organization is a Montessori School to provide educational opportunities for the under-resourced communities in their area.

Lake Atitlan - High Jump - Nature Park

An optional activity during out post-camp excursion.

IAA Suplimental Form

Every person on the trip must fill out this form.

Casa Del Mundo

A beautiful location on Lake Atitlan where we stay during our post-camp excursion.


We will spend a few days team building and exploring the culture of Guatemala.


Antigua’s Garden of Eden
No. 8 Condiminio Las Rosas, Calle Burrito, Antigua, Guatemala.


Facebook Page


POC: Juan

Opal House

We will lead the I AM ART camp here.

Casa del Mundo

We will stay here for the optional excursion to rest and process your experience before you return home.