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Our Kickstarter Campaign to fund the film ‘Becoming Fools’ is LIVE!

Our fund raising goal is $150,000.
We will have 50 days to raise this goal.
August 16, 2011  – October 4, 2011



It is sort of like an online “PBS telethon” … Pledge levels will start at $25, and with each level there’s a gift. All projects must reach their funding goal before their set deadline or no money is awarded to the project. We know this will take a lot of work and a lot of people, and we are trusting God for his direction and blessing throughout our funding campaign. We need your help to reach this goal!


Please consider making a pledge towards the production of ‘Becoming Fools.’ If you can make a pledge, please make it within the first few days of the campaign to help build momentum. We are humbly grateful for your support.
Make a pledge towards our campaign


We need your help! Join our Street Team to promote the campaign to your network during the 50-days. We will send you a weekly email with information to share. We promise to make it fun and easy … Join the ‘Becoming Fools’ Street Team today.
Join our Street Team
We are excited (and yes a little nervous) to step out in faith to devote our time and lives to this film. This story has the potential to make a difference in the lives of street kids in Guatemala and around the world.

Will you join us?

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