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Grand Rapids Radio Interview

Scott and I (Bobby were up in Grand Rapids, Michigan talking with people and organizations who are well acquainted with Athentikos and the film “Reparando.” While up there, the radio station WCSG invited us to come in and talk a little bit about Becoming Fools. John Balyo and his co-host Amanda were gracious enough to […]

Hiking Pacaya Part 2

Hiking Pacaya Part 2 from Athentikos on Vimeo.    The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon off so spontaneously the crew decided to hike an active volcano just outside of Antiqua called Pacaya. At the time we thought it was a little crazy but we had […]

Micro-loans: Infographic Explains How They Change the World

Daily Infographic released a post about micro-loans and how they are changing the economic landscape of impoverished countries. This caught our eye because we saw micro-loans first hand during the production of Reparando. In fact, we even included a short as extra content  on the Reparando DVD that covers micro-loans and micro-financing. You can see a sample of that content here. Micro-Enterprise […]

ValorArte: Value Art, Value Yourself

Athentikos I Am Art Initiative

Crayons, paint, markers, LEGOs, banners, theatre, games, masquerade party, water balloon volleyball, swimming, screaming, singing, dancing and being free to be yourself: all beautiful memories from last year’s Art Camp and hopes for this year’s camp, ValorArte.  ValorArte, the name of this year’s Art Camp is a play on words in Spanish. “Valor” means “To […]

Hiking Pacaya Part 1

Hiking Pacaya Part 1 from Athentikos on Vimeo.   The 2nd to last day of primary film production for Becoming Fools, we had an afternoon off so spontaneously the crew decided to hike an active volcano just outside of Antiqua called Pacaya. At the time we thought it was a little crazy but we had […]

Behind the Scenes: Production Clothing

Behind the Scenes Production Clothing

A couple of weeks ago I posted on my blog about the clothing I chose to use while in Guatemala filming “Becoming Fools.” So I thought I’d share this article here to give you a little more of a behind the scenes look (more so than others!) of what goes into filming a documentary. Here’s […]

The Big Sleep 2012

The Big Sleep 2012

During Becoming Fools production in Guatemala, I think everyone on the Athentikos team thought at one time or another what it would be like to live in the streets.  We developed close relationships with so many kids who didn’t have to imagine because the streets had been their home for so many years.  This week […]

Hot or Cold? Challenges in Any Weather

Hot or Cold? Challenges in Any Weather

Homelessness is a global problem.  Unpredictable and harsh conditions create unique challenges in each climate for people living without shelter.  Even the weather here in Tennessee can be challenging to the homeless population. Although the specific focus of Becoming Fools is concerned with homeless youth in Guatemala City, but our hope is that Becoming Fools […]

My Experience: More Than Words Can Express

It is hard to believe how quickly the last 7 months have gone by.  It is even harder to grasp how much I learned and experienced during my time in Guatemala, about Guatemala, about the world, about God, about appreciating the things He has blessed me with, about myself, about managing a team, about coordinating […]

Tired, Loco, Busy…

By: Matt Eldredge In preparing for my return trip to Guatemala to help on production for Becoming Fools, I heard a lot of keywords of what to expect like tired, loco, busy, long, tired, hectic, tired, etc…I tried to plan ahead with which audio adapters to bring and just be mentally ready for the hard […]