FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Athentikos opens online store to raise awareness and resources for Guatemala. Nashville, TN—Athentikos opens their online store with the sale of ‘Reparando’, a documentary on Guatemala’s struggle to repair itself and its people following a 36-year civil war. 80% of proceeds from the DVD will be invested into Micro-Enterprise efforts in Guatemala. […]

A New Thanks Giving

By Katie Milwee Nashville, TN Since I first saw the film “Reparando”, I have wanted to meet Maria, affectionately known as the doll lady.  Her job of repairing dolls is not glamorous, but what she creates is a stunning image of how the Lord is at work in each of our lives.  Her story is […]

Beauty In The Midst Of Chaos

By Jonathan Porta FreedomGuatemala Guatemala City, Guatemala I love how God is in the business of redeeming the beauty found in the midst of our chaos. How He rescued us from our mess, and now we can bear witness to what He has done. The 2 weeks of premieres in Guatemala were some of the […]

Cables, Stories, Friends & Hope

By: Hubert Bendfeldt Guatemala City, Guatemala Some of the “A” Team: Jonathan, Major, Darlene, Hubert, Scott, Matt, Cesar, Katie, Tyler, Tina & Amelia It’s hard for me to write a post about a trip that meant so much for me. As a Guatemalan, it was a privilege to be part of the Athentikos team. I […]

Women With Hope

By: Cesar Eguizabal Guatemala City, Guatemala On our second week of our trip in Guatemala, we were participating in the art camp with Build a Bridge and Centro de Alcance in Santa Catarina Pinula right outside of Guatemala City. We had a training on Monday Nov. 22nd. all day and on Tuesday Nov  23rd.  We […]

Is That All It Takes?

by Bobby Marko NASHVILLE, TN I had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Got to sleep in a little bit, hang out with my wife and daughter, more this weekend than I have in the last few months! Got to see some family, be together and have some great food, got stuffed! I even did a little […]

Baked Beans

by Stephen Major Chisholm NASHVILLE, TN While in Guatelama we had the opportunity to visit a Coffee Plantation and get the full tour of the coffee making process. The coffee plant takes three to four years before it can start yielding a crop of fruit. Once the fruit is ripe it has to be picked […]

Waking Dream

by Scott Moore NASHVILLE, TN Have you ever had a dream in which people from various places and times of your life are woven together into a magical story that makes sense to the subconscious but seems impossible when you wake? I have lived this waking dream. This is my seventh trip to Guatemala. On […]

Our Guate Family

By Amelia Moore Nashville, TN (written in Guatemala City) A little back story if you are new to our blog: This trip is exciting for me because we are premiering our documentary film project, “Reparando.” My husband, Scott, and I have lead a team of volunteers for two and half years to produce a 70-minute […]