Questioning Reality

I knew this day would eventually come. To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to it. But I could never wrap my brain around why. Perhaps I was just scared. But today was the day. Micah came home from school today and explained that kids at school said he was adopted and had another mother. […]
It's a Team Effort
The kids involved in Fergie’s classes are not the only ones learning. Throughout my time here in Guatemala and throughout production, I have been learning a lot about filming, photography, technology, scheduling shoots, coordinating crew members, organizing transportation, and even a bit little of clowning. Our Guatemala production team is learning too, as they are authentically […]
Clowning Around
We are well underway in the process of ‘Becoming Fools’! Clowning is a performance art. It’s experiential. It’s theatre. And … it’s cathartic. Clowning can help these kids process their tragic stories and better understand their wounds. Clowning can also empower these kids to begin to communicate their stories non-verbally – in a way that […]
Renewing the Heart of a Child

One of the greatest blessings of producing documentary film is the opportunity to learn from interviews. It begins as a conversation that in itself is enlightening, but ultimately the wisdom of an interview is revealed at a much more profound level during the editing process. A much clearer picture presents itself when interviews are listened […]
Teatro Abril will host Becoming Fools Live Event

We have secured Teatro Abril as the venue for our live clowning event this June, and we couldn’t be more excited! Teatro Abril is one of the most historic and celebrated theaters in Guatemala City, known for its amazing charm. Marble floors, spiraling staircases, ornate European-inspired statues […]
Streets kids attend clown show at National Theater

On Sunday, Feb 12, 2012, the Athentikos Guatemala team and primary characters from Becoming Fools went to a show performed by Pancho Toralla in Teatro de Cámara of National Theater of Guatemala. During the show, Pancho Toralla, professionally known as Panchorizo, showcased a variety of talents including juggling, miming, singing, playing several instruments and dancing […]
Organize & Evaluate
Film production is as much about organization as it is passion and creativity. Documentaries like Becoming Fools are unique in that the story is not scripted in detail at the beginning. We can set a scope for the story, but we must capture details as they happen and develop the story along the way. There […]
Organize & Evaluate
Film production is as much about organization as it is passion and creativity. Documentaries like Becoming Fools are unique in that the story is not scripted in detail at the beginning. We can set a scope for the story, but we must capture details as they happen and develop the story along the way. There […]
Reparando sparks conversation at Healing Waters
“To say that it was ‘spot on’ and a blessing is to understate its impact and the work of the Holy Spirit in our training room.” These are the words from Ed Anderson, Chief Executive Officer of Healing Waters, after sharing Reparando with several ministry partners. Ed shares, “I wanted to present something that helped […]
Art Camp 2011
Thanks to a grant from LEGO, Athentikos was able to partner with Lemonade International to take children from one of Central America’s largest slum communities to a week long Art Camp on the Guatemalan coast. WATCH THE HIGHLIGHT VIDEO BELOW. The camp was appropriately named ‘Emocionarte’, a combination of the Spanish words for emotion and […]