
Pre-K Play-doh Artist's Transformation into the Pro World

Seasoned Guatemalan clay animator, Jen Tercero (Morena), volunteers  with Athentikos by leading an online clay workshops as well as art camps in Guatemala. We are thrilled to have her as part of our volunteer team and love her heart to invest in others. She combines her life experience and love of art to inspire others

Morena is a vibrant Guatemalan artist, graphic designer and enthusiastic of experimental art. She has been teaching model clay since 2016 at universities, kids events, and several exhibitions. Morena has published two beautiful children’s books. She likes to share the art of using modeling clay as a way of art for all ages and professions to engage in art and understand the power of creativity. Morena has been serving with Athentikos since 2019.

“Ever since I was in preschool, I enjoyed play-doh…who doesn’t like play-doh?! My interest didn’t stop there but only began. When most people grow out of creating with such material, I took it to the next level. I remember when I was little my mom had a collection of claymation figures. I loved to look at them and always asked to play with them but was constantly denied the opportunity. So, I took to making an attempt at creating them myself.This would give me the chance to play with those different characters. As I continued to grow, claymation animation and stop motion movies fascinated me.”  

Now how do you use clay modeling in your work?

“I am a graphic designer. This basically gives me freedom to experiment with my illustrations. I feel like modeling clay is a versatile and limitless material. I have made a lot of material focused towards children as I believe it’s a material that children identify with, therefore, it makes the illustrations more interesting to them. The process is simply to create the scenes, take photos, upload & process and then print in whatever format desired. I have printed books as well as various products for example backpacks and accessories. “

What has working with modeling clay taught you  about yourself?

“Modeling clay is a material that you can never be 100% in control of. There are always textures that are produced without my intervention; it’s teamwork between the material and the artist. This has helped me realize that I can’t be in control of everything and even when things don’t turn out “perfect” it doesn’t mean that the result isn’t beautiful. I have learned to be patient, disciplined and open to appreciate the end result without looking for things to be perfect.”

What will we learn in the online modeling clay workshop?

“We will be making characters out of modeling clay. During the week we will learn how to work the clay, create textures and colors to be able to personalize our characters. But most importantly, we are going to have fun being creative!”

What is important about the creation process?

“The most important thing about art is EXPRESSION and ENJOYMENT!”

Thank you Jen for sharing your art and heart with the Athentikos community! The above  projects were created in the Clay Workshop at the I AM ART camp with partnership organizations, Kids Alive International and Lemonade International.

To learn more about Morena and her work, follow her on instagram. 

Take the Clay Workshop by joining the I AM ART Exchange!